Sunday, August 5, 2012


I have now spent a year out of the hospital. When I first started writing, the story poured out of me. I needed to capture the reality around me. I did not want to look back to a hazy memory, day by day slipping further from me. It took the better part of the year, but I feel as if what I've written so far captures much, but certainly not all, of my experience in the hospital. Looking forward I will continue to write, but the process has changed considerably. Instead of telling the story, I find that I'm trying to relate an experience that continues to evolve each day. To complicate things further, my graduate work occupies the majority of my time and energy. This is all to say that in order to bring more frequent updates to the blog, I will change things up a little bit. To begin with, I have added contact information to the page. I can be reached at Please put "broken cord blog" somewhere in the subject heading so that I can separate your e-mail from spam. I would like to encourage people to send in stories of things that struck them either during the time that I was in the hospital, or later. There are many things about the experience that I do not remember, and I would like to collect as much of the experience as possible. With permission, I may share some of the e-mails on the website. I would also like to encourage the submission of questions. I can only imagine the things that you would like to know about. Thank you for your continuing support.
